Sebelum Internet ada, ARPAnet (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) atau Departemen Pertahanan Amerika pada tahun 1969 membuat jaringan komputer yang tersebar untuk menghindarkan terjadinya informasi terpusat, yang apabila terjadi perang dapat mudah dihancurkan. Jadi bila satu bagian dari sambungan network terganggu dari serangan musuh, jalur yang melalui sambungan itu secara otomatis dipindahkan ke sambungan lainnya. Setelah itu Internet digunakan oleh kalangan akademis (UCLA) untuk keperluan penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi. Dan baru setelah itu Pemerintah Amerika Serikat memberikan ijin ke arah komersial pada awal tahun 1990.
Ringkasan sejarah Internet :
1960s Computer scientists research techniques to connect systems on a shared network.
1969 ARPANET (DoD Advanced Research Project Agency) connects UCLA, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Utah, and Stanford Research Institute.
1975 Management of the Internet is transferred to the U.S. Defense Communications Agency.
1979 USENET begins offering its worldwide broadcast conferencing system of newsgroups.
1981 BITNET (Because It's Time Network) begins offering e-mail and list servers for information distribution. CSNET (Computer Science Network) offers dial-up service for e-mail. People can now access the Internet using desktop computers. Modul Internet Pelatihan Peserta jis-solo bersama jis-dki 2
1982 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) becomes the standard for network communications on ARPANET.
1983 MILNET and DDN (Defense Data Network) split off from ARPANET.
1984 The Domain Name Server (DNS) system is introduced.
1986 The Cleveland FreeNet starts operation.
1987 The National Science Foundation (NSF) signs a $14 million, five-year agreement with IBM, MCI, and the Michigan Educational Research Information Triad to manage the network.
1988 Robert Morris, Jr. releases a "worm" into the Internet. Many computers grind to a halt.
1990 CERN (the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland) develops the World Wide Web.
1991 NSF lifts the restrictions against commercial use of the Internet. DoDDS starts using CC:Mail.
1992 Congress establishes the National Research and Education Network (NREN) as a vision of a national network to serve the educational and research communities. NREN has not been funded.
1993 President Clinton becomes the first head of state to use the Internet for electronic messaging. His address is
1994 Digital video and audio transmit over the Internet.
1995 The DoDDS schools in Okinawa establish Internet connections.
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